
Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 90 Days in Jail, 90 Days of Rehab

Today, Beverly Hills judge Marsha Revel declared the 24-year-old starlet in violation of probation for her 2007 DUI conviction for failing to attend court-ordered alcohol education classes. Revel sentenced Lohan to 90 days in jail followed by 90 days in-patient rehab.

Following Revel's ruling, Lohan broke down sobbing, barely sputtering a "yes" when Revel asked if she understood and accepted the terms of her probation. Revel ordered Lohan to surrender on July 20.

Prior to learning her fate, Lohan pleaded her case to the court.

"I just wanted to take a minute to say that, as far as I knew, I was being in compliance with my programs," she started. "When I asked to leave town, [the alcohol ed program] would give me permission to leave town."

"I wasn't expecting any special treatment aside from the understanding that I have to provide for myself, I have to work. My schedule is, unfortunately, very different," she continued. "Having said that, I did do everything I was told to do and did the best I could to balance jobs and showing up."

Then, the tears started flowing. Lohan held her head in her hands as she attempted to compose herself. She went on talking, and at times, sounded incomprehensible.

"I know that I was ordered to go once a week. ... I was working, mostly, I was working with children, it wasn't vacation, it wasn't some sort of a joke," she said, sniffling. "I wanted to make sure that I would come back here making you happy and the court system."

Lohan pulled herself together for the conclusion of her monologue.

Source: ABC News


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